{"id":49766,"date":"2022-10-04T15:41:00","date_gmt":"2022-10-04T15:41:00","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/fluency.io\/fluency-news-5-how-much-is-a-mcdonalds-burger-in-your-country\/"},"modified":"2023-12-19T13:09:39","modified_gmt":"2023-12-19T13:09:39","slug":"fluency-news-5-how-much-is-a-mcdonalds-burger-in-your-country","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/fluency.io\/blog\/fluency-news-5-how-much-is-a-mcdonalds-burger-in-your-country\/","title":{"rendered":"Fluency News #5 – How much is a McDonald\u2019s burger in your country?"},"content":{"rendered":"

Hello everyone!<\/em>\u200d<\/p>\n

Welcome to another episode of Fluency News<\/strong>! Here, you’ll practice your listening and get informed on all that’s happening in the world; all the major headlines of the week, all in English! During the episode, we make sure to explain the things that we believe need extra attention, so you don’t miss any details!<\/p>\n

In this episode we\u2019ll talk about business news! How Brazilians studying English transform a $1.2 billion market in Ireland, Best Buy unveils first ever small-format, digital-first store, McDonald\u2019s raises price of a cheeseburger in the UK for the first time in 14 years.<\/p>\n

We have an Instagram page with English tips, go check it out! @fluencytvenglish<\/p>\n

We’ll have a new episode of Fluency News every week, don’t forget to listen! See you!<\/p>\n

\u200dEpisode Transcript<\/strong>\u200d<\/h4>\n

What\u2019s up, guys? Welcome back to Fluency News! I\u2019m your host Chris Schliewe, and it\u2019s great to have you here. If you’re new here, this podcast is made for listeners who just need a brief rundown of the most important news. When you listen to our Fluency News episodes, you\u2019re staying informed, practicing your listening skills, and learning tons of new vocabulary, all at the same time!<\/p>\n

Having frequent contact with the language you are learning is very important to ensure your success. You can do this in different ways, and one of them is by taking an English course! Did you know that Fluency Academy has a complete online course for you to boost your vocabulary and take your English to the next step? To sign up for our waitlist and unlock your English, just click the link in the description of this episode.<\/p>\n

Now, let’s get started! In this episode, we\u2019re going to talk about some of the hottest business news of the month, and we\u2019ll get to some explanations too!
\nThis is a very special episode, because the first news we’re going to talk about is studying English and living abroad! We love this topic!<\/p>\n

Did you know that immigrants from Brazil form the largest community of English learners in Ireland? That’s right! There are 27,192 Brazilians living in this country, according to the Irish Department of Statistics. For the record, the English language courses sector funnels around 1,2 billion euros annually to the Irish economy, employs over 3,000 full-time workers and, between 2016 and 2020, recorded over 150,000 international students in the country, according to a survey by the specialist education company. Of that total, 75% were Brazilians. Mexicans came in second place, with 10%. Amazing, right? There are so many people learning English around the world!<\/p>\n

Let\u2019s learn the names of nationalities in English, as well as the countries they originate from and the language that is spoken there. But first, it\u2019s important to know the word \u201cnationality\u201d is not used very often in everyday conversation. It is a more formal word and it\u2019s more often seen in written form in documents like immigration documents or tourism papers. Almost no one will ask \u201cWhat is your nationality?\u201d in a normal conversation in English. Instead, you might hear \u201cWhere are you from?\u201d. Got it? Good!<\/p>\n

Alright, you heard me saying the words Brazilian, Irish, Mexican\u2026 ok, so Brazilian is the nationality and Brazil is the country. You can say for example: \u201cI\u2019m Brazilian\u201d or \u201cI\u2019m from Brazil\u201d. The official language in Brazil is Portuguese, so you can say: \u201cI speak Portuguese\u201d. Now Irish is the nationality of people from Ireland, and they speak English there. If you are from Ireland, you could also say you are an Irishman or an Irishwoman. Mexican is the nationality of people from Mexico, and the official language in Mexico is Spanish.<\/p>\n

Another interesting thing is that we also use nationalities to describe the things that come from a country, not just the people. For example: Swiss chocolate, French cheese, Italian cars, Indian food (by the way, that\u2019s my favorite) and so on.<\/p>\n

Remember that learning the names of nationalities and countries will come naturally the more you practice, ok? Now tell me\u2026 where are you from and what language do you speak over there?<\/p>\n

Moving on to our next story\u2026 technology and something we all love: shopping!<\/p>\n

Last fall, the famous company Best Buy shared how they were testing new store models in Charlotte, North Carolina and how all of them work together to meet their customers\u2019 varied and changing needs. Now they’re introducing another piece to that pilot: their first ever small-format, digital-first store. This new 5,000 sq. ft. store, which opened on July 26 in Monroe, features a curated selection of their best in-category products, the expert services customers know and love like Geek Squad. Plus, they’re testing a new digital-first shopping experience that encourages customers to do everything from shop, select your product and get advice digitally while in the store.<\/p>\n

Ok so, we are talking about Best Buy. Best Buy is a multinational retailer, which provides consumer electronics, home office products, entertainment products, appliances and many more. I said that \u201cnow they’re introducing their first ever small-format digital-first store\u201d and also that \u201cthey’re testing a new digital-first shopping experience\u201d. So pay attention: they are introducing\u2026 they are testing\u2026 I\u2019m using the verb and adding \u201cing\u201d at the end: introducing, testing.<\/p>\n

That is called the \u201ccontinuous\u201d or the \u201cprogressive\u201d form of the verb in English. You use the verb + ing when you want to talk about activities you are doing at the moment, something you are doing right now. For example: \u201cI am recording this podcast right now\u201d and \u201cyou are listening to it at the moment\u201d. You can also use the progressive form to make future plans. For example: \u201cI am working tomorrow\u201d, \u201cshe is visiting her mom next month\u201d or \u201cwhat are you doing next week?\u201d.<\/p>\n

One important thing to remember is that you always need to use the verb \u201cbe\u201d with the continuous tenses, ok? She IS eating dinner right now, they ARE watching TV at the moment, you ARE studying a new language now. Got it?<\/p>\n

Now let\u2019s go over some news about the most favorite fast-food restaurant in the world: McDonald\u2019s. They raised the price of their cheeseburger in the UK for the first time in 14 years! Can you believe it? The cost of a cheeseburger has risen 20% from 99 pence (around U$1.19) to \u00a31.19. For the record, the last time McDonald\u2019s hiked the price of their cheeseburger in Britain was in the wake of the 2008 global financial crisis.<\/p>\n

How much is a McDonald\u2019s burger in your country?<\/p>\n

So let\u2019s talk about prices because business is all about money. You may find yourself frequently asking about prices or costs whether you are at work, shopping or just talking to your friends. The most common way to ask about prices is by using the expression \u201chow much\u201d. So if you want to ask the price of something you might say \u201chow much does it cost?\u201d<\/p>\n

One interesting thing about the word \u201ccost\u201d is that we can say \u201ca cheeseburger costs \u00a31.19 in the UK\u201d and we can also say \u201cit cost me \u00a31.19 to get a cheeseburger in the UK\u201d. So, a thing can \u201ccost\u201d money and it can also \u201ccost you\u201d money.<\/p>\n

Now, that\u2019s pretty cheap for a Mc Donald\u2019s burger huh? But let\u2019s imagine you are buying something way too expensive and you don\u2019t want to pay that much money for it. If something is too expensive, you would naturally suggest lowering the price. To do this, we usually use polite and indirect language. You might say, \u201cwould you take a lower price?\u201d For example, if something costs 300 bucks and you only want to pay 200 bucks for it, you could say: \u201cwould you take 200 dollars for that?\u201d.<\/p>\n

Alright guys, we\u2019ve come to the end of this episode. We\u2019ve learned how to talk about nationalities, continuous tenses using verbs with \u201c-ING\u201d and how to talk about prices and costs. I\u2019ll be back soon with more useful English tips.<\/p>\n

Don’t forget that if you want to unlock your English fluency, start speaking confidently and also watch a lot of remarkable English tips, just follow us at @fluencytvenglish. I\u2019ll see you soon. Byeeee.<\/p>\n


\u200dHow Brazilians Studying English Transform a $1.2 Billion Market in Ireland<\/strong>

\u200dBest Buy unveils first ever small-format, digital-first store<\/strong>

\u200dMcDonald\u2019s raises price of a cheeseburger in the UK for the first time in 14 years<\/strong>

Hello everyone!\u200d Welcome to another episode of Fluency News! Here, you’ll practice your listening and get informed on all that’s happening in the world; all the major headlines of the week, all in English! During the episode, we make sure to explain the things that we believe need extra attention, so you don’t miss any […]<\/p>\n","protected":false},"author":6,"featured_media":49767,"comment_status":"open","ping_status":"open","sticky":false,"template":"","format":[18],"meta":{"inline_featured_image":false,"footnotes":""},"categories":[8],"tags":[],"acf":[],"yoast_head":"\nFluency News #5 - How much is a McDonald\u2019s burger in your country?<\/title>\n<meta name=\"description\" content=\"Neste epis\u00f3dio do Walk 'n' Talk - podcast da Fluency - Fluency News #5 - How much is a McDonald\u2019s burger in your country?\" \/>\n<meta name=\"robots\" content=\"index, follow, max-snippet:-1, max-image-preview:large, max-video-preview:-1\" \/>\n<link rel=\"canonical\" href=\"https:\/\/fluency.io\/blog\/fluency-news-5-how-much-is-a-mcdonalds-burger-in-your-country\/\" \/>\n<meta property=\"og:locale\" content=\"en_US\" \/>\n<meta property=\"og:type\" content=\"article\" \/>\n<meta property=\"og:title\" content=\"Fluency News #5 - 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