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🔥 Pré-venda da Promo do Consumidor →

Atividades para Inglês são a maneira ideal de praticar e melhorar suas habilidades no idioma! Se você é iniciante ou já domina o idioma, nossos exercícios são organizados por nível de proficiência – A1 a C2 – garantindo que cada etapa do aprendizado seja estimulante e eficiente. Prepare-se para desafios envolventes e veja seu inglês evoluir!

Como Aproveitar ao Máximo os Exercícios

Quer tirar o melhor proveito dos nossos quizzes? Aqui estão algumas dicas:

  • Escolha seu nível: Comece no nível correspondente à sua proficiência atual. Não tem problema se errar – é errando que se aprende!
  • Pratique regularmente: A prática constante é essencial para o aprendizado de qualquer idioma.
  • Não tenha medo de errar: Aprender um novo idioma é uma jornada cheia de descobertas. Cada erro é um passo à frente.

Por que Fazer Exercícios de Inglês?

Praticar com quizzes não é apenas divertido, mas também uma das formas mais eficientes de fixar o aprendizado. Cada exercício aqui foi elaborado para trabalhar aspectos importantes da língua, desde vocabulário básico até estruturas avançadas. Você vai:

  • Melhorar sua gramática e vocabulário;
  • Desenvolver habilidades de compreensão e expressão;
  • Aumentar sua confiança para se comunicar em inglês.

Quiz de Inglês – A1

Bem-vindo ao Quiz A1! 🚀 Se você está começando sua jornada no inglês, este é o lugar certo. Vamos explorar cumprimentos, cores, números e o básico do dia a dia. Relaxe, não tem segredo — é como dar os primeiros passos em um novo universo. Ready? Let’s go! 🌍

1. How do you say “Olá” in English?

A) Goodbye
B) Hello
C) Please
D) Thank you
E) Morning

2. What color is the sky on a clear day?

A) Red
B) Green
C) Yellow
D) Blue
E) Purple

3. How do you say “Obrigado” in English?

A) Sorry
B) Please
C) Thanks
D) Welcome
E) Goodbye

4. Which number comes after nine?

A) Seven
B) Eight
C) Ten
D) Eleven
E) Six

5. How do you say “Família” in English?

A) Family
B) Friend
C) Dog
D) Brother
E) Sister

6. What do you wear on your feet?

A) Hat
B) Shirt
C) Shoes
D) Gloves
E) Pants

7. What is the opposite of “Hot”?

A) Warm
B) Cold
C) Cool
D) Freezing
E) Hotter

8. How do you say “Sim” in English?

A) No
B) Maybe
C) Yes
D) Not
E) Please

9. How do you greet someone in the morning?

A) Good night
B) Good afternoon
C) Good morning
D) Good evening
E) Hello

10. Which of these is a fruit?

A) Carrot
B) Apple
C) Potato
D) Lettuce
E) Onion


Respostas:1B, 2D, 3C, 4C, 5A, 6C, 7B, 8C, 9C, 10B

Quiz de Inglês – A2

Bora subir o nível? Bem-vindo ao A2! 🎯 Agora que você já conhece o básico, é hora de mergulhar um pouco mais fundo: tempos verbais, preposições e aquele vocabulário do dia a dia que vai fazer toda a diferença. Nada complicado — você já chegou até aqui, então está no caminho certo! 🚀

1. Which verb tense is used in the sentence: “I am reading a book”?

A) Present Simple
B) Present Continuous
C) Past Simple
D) Future Simple
E) Present Perfect

2. How do you form the negative of the sentence: “She likes apples”?

A) She doesn’t like apples
B) She don’t like apples
C) She not likes apples
D) She no like apples
E) She does like apples

3. What is the correct question word to ask: “_____ are you going?”

A) What
B) Where
C) When
D) Why
E) Who

4. Which modal verb expresses ability?

A) Must
B) Should
C) Can
D) Will
E) Might

5. How do you say “Tempo ensolarado” in English?

A) Cloudy weather
B) Rainy weather
C) Stormy weather
D) Sunny weather
E) Windy weather

6. Which sentence is in the Past Simple?

A) I eat pizza every day
B) I am eating pizza
C) I will eat pizza
D) I ate pizza
E) I have eaten pizza

7. What is the comparative form of “fast”?

A) Faster
B) More fast
C) Fastest
D) Less fast
E) Most fast

8. Which preposition completes the sentence: “The book is _____ the table”?

A) in
B) on
C) under
D) between
E) over

9. How do you say “Ônibus” in English?

A) Car
B) Bus
C) Train
D) Plane
E) Bike

10. Which word describes an obligation?

A) Can
B) Must
C) Could
D) Might
E) Should

Respostas:1B, 2A, 3B, 4C, 5D, 6D, 7A, 8B, 9B, 10B

Quiz de Inglês – B1

Quiz B1: Hora de se sentir confiante! 💪 Chegamos ao nível intermediário! Aqui você vai praticar suas habilidades com tempos verbais mais complexos, phrasal verbs e condicionais. É o momento em que o inglês começa a fluir mais naturalmente. Se joga e mostra o que você já sabe! 🎤

1. Which sentence uses the Present Perfect correctly?

A) I have seen that movie yesterday.
B) She has gone to the store.
C) He has be to Paris last year.
D) They are seeing that film already.
E) I had been to the park.

2. What is the correct future form in this sentence: “She _____ the doctor tomorrow”?

A) see
B) will see
C) is seeing
D) saw
E) will seeing

3. Which sentence is a First Conditional?

A) If it rains, we would stay inside.
B) If she studied, she would pass the exam.
C) If it rains, we will stay inside.
D) If he called, I will answer.
E) If I was you, I’d apologize.

4. How do you report: “I am hungry,” he said?

A) He said he is hungry.
B) He says he was hungry.
C) He said he was hungry.
D) He said he has been hungry.
E) He says he is hungry.

5. Which sentence uses a phrasal verb correctly?

A) She ran in the problem.
B) He gave off his old books.
C) They looked after the children.
D) We take out for dinner often.
E) He put on with the noise.

6. Which word is the correct adverb form of “quick”?

A) Quickest
B) Quickly
C) Quick
D) More quick
E) Quicker

7. How would you politely make a request?

A) Can you give me your phone?
B) Could you please pass the salt?
C) You must lend me that book.
D) Will you give me money?
E) Give me your jacket.

8. Which word completes the sentence: “He is a person _____ likes adventure”?

A) which
B) who
C) whom
D) whose
E) that’s

9. How do you say “gripe” in English?

A) Headache
B) Flu
C) Cold
D) Fever
E) Sore throat

10. What does “LOL” mean in social media?

A) Lots of Love
B) Laughing Out Loud
C) Look Out, Loser
D) Leave Our Land
E) Loving Our Life

Respostas: 1B, 2B, 3C, 4C, 5C, 6B, 7B, 8B, 9B, 10B

Quiz de Inglês – B2

B2: Subindo a barra! 🏋️‍♂️ Se você chegou até aqui, já está pensando em inglês sem nem perceber. Agora é a hora de encarar passivas, idioms e collocations. Esse nível é sobre entender e se expressar com confiança. Pronto para o desafio? Let’s do this! 🔥

1. Which sentence uses the passive voice correctly?

A) They built the house in 2020.
B) The house is being built now.
C) He builds the house himself.
D) They are building the house.
E) The house built itself.

2. Which sentence is an example of the Third Conditional?

A) If it rains, we will stay inside.
B) If it had rained, we would have stayed inside.
C) If it rains, we stay inside.
D) If it rained, we would stay inside.
E) If it is raining, we can’t go outside.

3. Which future form indicates an action that will be completed by a certain time?

A) Future Simple
B) Present Continuous
C) Future Perfect
D) Future Continuous
E) Present Perfect

4. Which expression is a collocation with “make”?

A) Make a decision
B) Do a mistake
C) Take a walk
D) Get a job
E) Have a rest

5. Which idiom means “to reveal a secret”?

A) Kill two birds with one stone
B) Break the ice
C) Spill the beans
D) Hit the nail on the head
E) Bite off more than you can chew

6. Which sentence shows a formal tone?

A) Can you lend me a hand?
B) I regret to inform you of the delay.
C) I’ll catch you later.
D) Let’s grab a coffee.
E) Gonna meet up with friends.

7. Which modal verb refers to a missed opportunity?

A) Could have
B) Must
C) Should
D) Might
E) Will

8. Which workplace term means “to be fired from a job”?

A) Get a raise
B) Get promoted
C) Get laid off
D) Get hired
E) Get transferred

9. What is the synonym of “difficult”?

A) Easy
B) Hard
C) Simple
D) Light
E) Clear

10. What type of text would you most likely read in a newspaper?

A) Fiction
B) News article
C) Poem
D) Travel guide
E) Recipe

Respostas:1B, 2B, 3C, 4A, 5C, 6B, 7A, 8C, 9B, 10B

Quiz de Inglês – C1

C1: Bem-vindo ao clube dos avançados! 🎓 Agora você está lidando com nuances, linguagem formal e estruturas mais complexas. É o tipo de conhecimento que faz você soar como um nativo — ou melhor ainda. Prepare-se para debates e argumentações de alto nível. You got this! 🧠

1. Which sentence correctly uses inversion for emphasis?

A) He has never been to Paris before.
B) Never before has he been to Paris.
C) He never before has been to Paris.
D) Paris has he never visited before.
E) Never he has been to Paris.

2. Which sentence uses a mixed conditional correctly?

A) If she worked harder, she would have passed the exam.
B) If she had studied more, she passes the test.
C) If she had studied more, she would pass the test.
D) If she had worked harder, she would have passed the exam.
E) If she studies more, she would have passed the exam.

3. Which of the following is a discourse marker for contrast?

A) Therefore
B) In other words
C) However
D) As a result
E) Furthermore

4. Which relative pronoun completes the sentence: “The writer _____ book you borrowed is famous”?

A) who
B) whom
C) whose
D) that
E) which

5. Which sentence demonstrates hedging language?

A) It is definitely the best solution.
B) It might be the best solution.
C) This is the best solution.
D) We know it’s the best option.
E) You must agree it’s the best solution.

6. Which rhetorical device is being used: “Her smile is as bright as the sun”?

A) Hyperbole
B) Metaphor
C) Simile
D) Irony
E) Onomatopoeia

7. Which word fits the sentence: “He is known for his _____ arguments”?

A) persuasive
B) persuade
C) persuading
D) persuaded
E) persuades

8. What does the idiom “beat around the bush” mean?

A) To talk directly
B) To avoid the main topic
C) To make a quick decision
D) To get lost
E) To relax

9. Which sentence is written in academic style?

A) I think this idea is cool.
B) This concept has significant potential.
C) Let’s go with this plan.
D) We gotta try this idea.
E) I guess it could work.

10. Which philosophical term refers to the study of knowledge?

A) Metaphysics
B) Ethics
C) Epistemology
D) Aesthetics
E) Logic

Respostas: 1B, 2A, 3C, 4C, 5B, 6C, 7A, 8B, 9B, 10C

Quiz de Inglês – C2

C2: Fluência Master! 🏅 Este é o nível dos mestres da comunicação. Ironia, sutilezas, e até filosofia fazem parte do jogo agora. Aqui não é só sobre falar, mas sobre impactar com suas palavras. Pronto para mostrar que é um expert? Let’s shine! 🌟

1. Which sentence contains a subtle distinction in meaning?

A) He said he might come.
B) He will come.
C) He is coming.
D) He had come.
E) He comes every day.

2. Which sentence uses a complex syntactic structure?

A) I am tired.
B) Having been tired after the long day, he went straight to bed.
C) He slept.
D) She cried.
E) I am working now.

3. Which sentence demonstrates irony?

A) What a beautiful day! (during a storm)
B) I love sunny days.
C) It is raining heavily.
D) The weather is terrible.
E) It stopped raining.

4. What is a common challenge in literary translation?

A) Preserving rhyme and meaning
B) Finding synonyms
C) Copying the text exactly
D) Avoiding punctuation
E) Translating word for word

5. What is a speech act in pragmatics?

A) An utterance that performs an action
B) A silent gesture
C) A literal sentence
D) An academic paper
E) A grammatical mistake

6. Which rhetorical device is used in the phrase “Time is a thief”?

A) Simile
B) Onomatopoeia
C) Metaphor
D) Hyperbole
E) Alliteration

7. What is the meaning of the idiom “to hit the ground running”?

A) To start something energetically and effectively
B) To stop abruptly
C) To avoid work
D) To rest before starting
E) To fail quickly

8. Which sentence contains a subtle difference between British and American English?

A) He’s at university.
B) He’s at college.
C) Both are correct but have different meanings.
D) Both are incorrect.
E) He is in a school.

9. Which type of text requires the use of rhetorical questions?

A) Academic papers
B) Opinion pieces
C) Scientific reports
D) Technical manuals
E) Legal documents

10. What is the focus of aesthetics in philosophy?

A) Logic
B) Morality
C) Beauty and art
D) Politics
E) Knowledge

Respostas: 1A, 2B, 3A, 4A, 5A, 6C, 7A, 8C, 9B, 10C


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