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Hello, everyone!

Sejam bem-vindos e bem-vindas a mais um episódio da nossa nova série de podcasts, o Fluency News! Aqui, você vai poder treinar a sua escuta e ficar por dentro do que está acontecendo no mundo, sempre com as três principais notícias da semana, tudo em inglês! Ao longo do episódio, nós também adicionamos explicações em português das coisas que achamos que precisam de mais atenção, assim você não perde nenhum detalhe!

No episódio desta semana, nós temos algumas notícias relacionadas à tecnologia, como a Google seguindo a iniciativa da Apple, e websites ao redor do mundo ficando fora do ar por causa de uma falha. Também falamos sobre algumas boas notícias com relação à COVID, uma operação contra o crime organizado que resultou em centenas de prisões e a decisão de um juiz na Índia de proibir terapias de conversão LGBTQIA+.

Temos uma página de dicas de inglês no Instagram, vá conferir! @fluencytvingles

Toda semana, temos um novo episódio do Fluency News, não deixe de escutar! See you!

Descrição do episódio!

Hello, everyone! Welcome to a brand new episode of Fluency News! I’m Scott Lowe and this is the podcast that helps you train your listening and comprehension skills, while getting informed.
We gather some of the week’s most important or relevant news stories, and we share them with you, adding Portuguese explanations wherever necessary. You can find the transcript of this episode and all of our sources by going to fluency.io and checking out the description. While you’re at fluency.io, remember to check out some of our other free content. We have over 1000 lessons in five different languages, all free for you to enjoy.
Now let’s get started! We have a couple of technology-related stories today. Google announced that it will let Android users opt out of being tracked by advertisers on their smartphone applications, following a move by Apple to bolster privacy on iPhones.
The option will become available in late 2021, with a Google Play services update. Unlike Apple’s feature, users will not be opted out of ad tracking by default.

Para falar do futuro, nós temos três maneiras diferentes. Podemos usar “going to”, “present continuous” e “will”, como temos nessa notícia. WILL é usado quando há uma certeza maior de que algo vai acontecer. Essa forma é usada principalmente quando falamos de uma decisão tomada espontaneamente, no momento da fala, e não planejada com antecedência. No dia a dia, a diferença entre essas formas é mais sutil, e quanto mais contato você tiver com o idioma, mais fácil vai ficar de identificar quando usar cada uma.

Also in technology news, major websites went down worldwide for about an hour on Tuesday, June 8th. A widespread failure to Fastly, a major content delivery network, was reported as being the culprit.
Fastly supports news sites and apps like CNN, the Guardian, the New York Times and many others. It also provides content delivery for Twitch, Pinterest, HBO Max, Hulu, Reddit, Spotify and other services.
Fastly said on its service status website (which was working) Tuesday morning it had identified the problem and resolved the issue.
The home pages of sites supported by Fastly were showing a “Error 503” message, and the glitch affected dozens of countries.
The thousand of websites affected started coming back online about an hour after the outage was reported.
“Incidents like this underline the fragility of the internet and its dependence on a patchwork of fragmented technology. Ironically, this also underlines its inherent strength and how quickly it can recover,” Ben Wood, chief analyst at CCS Insight said.
“The fact that an outage like this can grab headlines around the world shows how rare it is.”
News publishers came up with inventive workarounds to report about the widespread outage while their websites failed to load up.
Popular tech website the Verge took to Google Docs to report news, while UK Technology Editor at the Guardian started a Twitter thread to report on the problems.

A palavra “WORKAROUNDS” significa “meios diferentes de fazer algo acontecer”. Mas a melhor tradução para o português é gambiarra. Você sabia que existe uma palavra correspondente nos dois idiomas?

We have some good Covid news, people! The United States has brought new coronavirus infections down to the lowest level since March 2020, when the pandemic began. It would seem that the virus is under control, nationwide and in every state, thanks almost entirely to the vaccines. Just over half of American adults are now fully vaccinated, according to the CDC.
Across the globe, New Zealand has reached 100 days without community transmission of Covid-19. It was reported on Tuesday that there are no new cases outside managed isolation and quarantine.
The 100-day time period spans Sunday, February 28 to June 8, according to community case details on the Ministry of Heath’s website.
New Zealand is just two days off from beating its previous milestone.

MILESTONE tem alguns significados diferentes, mas o mais usado é o equivalente a “marco histórico”. Significa uma ação ou evento que marca uma mudança significativa ou importante. Em algumas situações, pode ser sinônimo de “recorde”.
Our main story today is what’s being called “the sting of the century”. The FBI and Australian police infiltrated a secure chat app popular with organized crime and gained access to millions of messages, in an operation that has been ongoing for several years.
More than 200 arrests have been made in Australia. As part of a three-year collaboration between the Australian Federal Police (AFP) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), underworld figures were tricked into communicating via an encrypted app designed by police, authorities say.
The app, known as AN0M, was used by organized crime gangs around the world to plan executions, mass drug importations and money laundering.
Australian officials said the investigation had “struck a heavy blow against organized crime – not just in this country, but one that will echo around organized crime around the world”.
“This is a watershed moment in Australian law enforcement history,” prime minister Scott Morrison said on Monday.
Organized crime gangs were sold encrypted phones that law enforcement officials could monitor. It took $100,000 plus expenses, and the opportunity for a reduced prison sentence, for the smartphone developer to collaborate with the FBI. The operation has led to more than 800 arrests and the confiscation of drugs, weapons, cash and luxury cars, officials said on Tuesday.
The operation by the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation, Australian and European police ensnared suspects in Australia, Asia, Europe, South America and the Middle East involved in the global narcotics trade, the officials said.
Millions of dollars in cash were seized in raids around the world, along with 30 tonnes of drugs including more than eight tonnes of cocaine.

COULD é um verbo modal, como should e would. Pode ser traduzido para “poderia”, “pode”, “conseguir” ou “conseguiria”, dependendo do contexto. Ele tem basicamente três funções: habilidade passada, sendo o passado de CAN, para fazer pedidos educados, e para falar de possibilidades futuras. COULD também pode expressar uma condição ou possibilidade, significando “poderia”. Nessa notícia, estamos falando de como a polícia conseguiu monitorar as conversas entre os criminosos.In some very good news from India, Madras High Court bans medical attempts to cure sexual orientation and suggests changes to school curricula to educate students on LGBTQ issues.
Justice Anand Venkatesh ordered strict action against those found to be indulging in attempts to “cure or change” the sexual orientation by physical and mental health professionals. Venkatesh was hearing a petition filed by a lesbian couple seeking protection from police harassment and their families, who were against their relationship.
“I strongly feel that the change must take place at a societal level and when it is complemented by a law, there will be a remarkable change in the outlook of the society by recognizing same-sex relationships”, Venkatesh said in his judgement, according to Live Law. He observed that legislative changes were needed to eradicate social discrimination against the LGBTQIA+ community to ensure their life and dignity.
However, Venkatesh added, that till the time such legislations are implemented, the community cannot be “left in a vulnerable atmosphere”, and then listed a number of guidelines for various institutions, including the judiciary and police.
Justice Venkatesh said while issuing the order, “I have no hesitation in accepting that I too belong to the majority of commoners who are yet to comprehend homosexuality completely. Ignorance is no justification for normalizing any form of discrimination. Therefore, I took upon myself the vested responsibility and the duty to deliver justice in all its forms and spirit, of cutting across personal prejudices and notions and setting forth to, at the least, educate myself lest my ignorance interfere with in guiding homosexuality and the LGBTQIA+ community towards social justice.”
I’d say that is a remarkable attitude of this judge, and let’s hope many more follow his lead. Alright, guys, that is going to be it for today’s episode.

E sabia que você pode ter aulas aprofundadas comigo e com os outros professores da Fluency TV? Se você quer aprender com os melhores experts em fluência de idiomas do mundo, inscreva-se na nossa lista de espera!
Quem estiver nela será avisado antecipadamente sobre novas vagas e terá uma chance maior de entrar na próxima turma. Então aperte o link na descrição desse episódio e faça a sua inscrição 100% gratuita!

Don’t forget, there’s a new episode of Fluency News every week. We hope you’re having a great day, and we’ll see you soon. Peace out!


Google to let Android users opt out of ad tracking, following Apple

Major websites go down worldwide







Covid-19: New Zealand reaches 100 days without community transmission

COVID-19 cases hit lowest point in U.S. since pandemic began

‘Cure therapy’ ban to training for police: Madras HC reaches out to LGBTQ




Scott Lowe


Fluency News
Fluency News #01
Fluency News 02
Fluency News 03
Fluency News #04
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Fluency News #06
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Fluency News #08
Fluency News #09
Fluency News #10
Fluency News #11
Fluency News #12
Fluency News #13
Fluency News #14
Fluency News #15
Fluency News #16
Fluency News #17
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Fluency News #19
Fluency News #20
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Fluency News #28
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Fluency News #31
Fluency News #32
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Fluency News #34
Fluency News #35
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Principais notícias da semana
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Ouvindo agora: Fluency News #39
Fluency News #40
Fluency News 41
Fluency News #42
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Fluency News #45
Fluency News #46
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Fluency News #58
Fluency News #59
Fluency News #60
Fluency News #61
Principais notícias da semana
Fluency News 63
Fluency News #64
Fluency News #65
Fluency News #66
Fluency News 67
Fluency News 68
Fluency News 69
Fluency News 70
Fluency News: Acontecimento no Brasil em inglês
Fluency News: Fresh efforts to free civilians as new ceasefire agreed.
Fluency News: Hand in hand, we’re making the world a better place.
Fluency News: There can be no talk of surrender
Fluency News: The greatest night in the history of television
Fluency News: Music will break through
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Fluency News: Book banning leads to banned books book clubs
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Fluency News: Astronauts bound to a life without crime
Fluency News: No one puts Baby in a corner… twice
Fluency News: Anitta takes over the world, She-Hulk is coming, Covid-Zero in China
Fluency News: Stranger Things, China’s mysterious hole, CS:GO Major in Rio, Monkeypox
Fluency News: A cake at Monalisa, Stranger Things 4 and the world largest plant is discovered
Fluency News: The Queen’s goodbye, Adam Sandler gets a black eye and the Addams family
Fluency News: Lightyear’s premiere, Anitta’s European tour and the Twitter/Musk meeting
Fluency News: The scandal around Netflix production, Suspects arrested in Dom Philips case, Queen Bey is back
Fluency News: A Friends’ donation, the man infected by Covid for science, and Matilda becomes a musical
Fluency News #90 – Brazil’s obsession with plastic surgery, climbers found after the Italian avalanche, and the end of Stranger Things
Fluency News: The breathtaking pictures from space, the Emmy’s, and why you should give that friend a call
Fluency News: Man lost at sea is saved by a toy, heatwaves in Europe and the benefits of being near water
Fluency News #93 – The “abandoned house” from the podcast becomes a tourist attraction in São Paulo, Pet trades may be forbidden in New York and Kylie Jenner hates the new Instagram.
Fluency News #94 – World’s tallest tree now off-limits, tension around US visit to Taiwan and DC movie canceled during post-production
Fluency News #95 – Droughts in Europe are revealing the cautionary “Hunger Stones”, the death and legacy of Olivia Newton John and Jô Soares and Meta’s bot rebelling against its owner Mark Zuckemberg
Fluency News #100 – British monarchy alliances questioned, Rock in Rio has iconic performances and generates a fortune for the local economy
Fluency News: Jeffrey Dahmer, Nasa e outras notícias do mundo em inglês!
Fluency News #103 – Eleiçoes, Mísseis e Coldplay
Fluency News: Volta do Blink-182, países ameaçam a Rússia e Amazon mais verde!
Fluency News #105 – British Prime Minister Liz Truss resigns after 44 days in charge, 75 people are rescued on the Greek seas and Taylor Swift’s new album divides opinions
Fluency News #107 – More than 3 thousand Twitter employees laid off, Brazilian tourist crushed by ice in Argentina, and the death of Aaron Carter
Fluency News #109 – The World Cup opening ceremony causes mixed reactions, school experiment goes wrong in Australia and public figures in Iran are arrested
Fluency News 110: Copa do mundo

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