Palavras difíceis de serem pronunciadas: sons do GH
Being an entrepreneur is tough!
Welcome to another episode of Walk ‘n’ Talk Level Up, our all-English podcast series! No episódio desta semana, nós vamos escutar o encontro de dois amigos, depois de passarem um tempo separados. Nós aproveitamos este episódio para praticar palavras difíceis de serem pronunciadas!
Não deixe de repetir as frases em voz alta, com a teacher Liv, para praticar bem a sua pronúncia e se tornar cada vez mais confiante. E aproveite o material extra que preparamos para você, está aqui embaixo!
Nós nos vemos na próxima! Have a lovely week!
Vocabulary Expansion
In this episode of Walk ‘n’ Talk Level Up, you got to practice your pronunciation and learn some new expressions. You can continue your study session here, by reading the dialogue and checking out the written explanations with examples!
Anna: I haven’t seen you in a while. You good, Robert?
Robert: Sure! I was kinda off throughout the last semester… New job, you know?
Anna: Yup, that’s rough! But, you know, being an entrepreneur often demands a lot too.
Robert: I totally buy it, although I’m far from having my own business.
Anna: You know, at first I thought it’d be very tough…
Robert: Isn’t it?
Anna: Well now the only word I can use to define it is “supercalifragilisticexpialidocious”.
Extra content
A made up word used in the 1964 “Mary Poppins” movie starring Julie Andrews and Dick Van Dyke. It’s described as “something to say when you have nothing to say”, or to describe something as being great or extraordinary. You can watch a clip of the song with lyrics below:
Mary Poppins (1964) – “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious” – Video/Lyrics
The words above usually bring a lot of confusion when someone is learning English. Even if their spelling is similar, they have different meanings.
THOUGH can be translated to different words, but the meaning is often the same. It’s used to oppose something, to give a contrast to something said before. Some possible translations are “embora”, “ainda que”, “apesar”, “mas”.
THOROUGH means “complete”, “meticulous”. Used whenever we mean to say that something was done with extreme care and completeness.
TOUGH often has two main meanings, depending on the context in which it’s inserted. It can be used to describe the texture of something, as being coarse, durable or not soft. It can also be used to describe something that is difficult, complicated, or hard to achieve.
THOUGHT is the past tense of the verb “think”.
THROUGH can be an adverb, adjective, or preposition. The most common use is that of an adverb. It can express movement into one side and out of the other side of an opening, channel, or location. It can also be used as a means to continue in time toward the completion of a process, period, etc.
THROUGHOUT means “from beginning to end”, “in every part”.
Remember that you can listen to this episode as many times as you wish! You can also read along, and enjoy this extra content. That way, you’ll be able to understand these new structures and use them in conversations in the future. Keep in mind that the more daily contact you have with the English language, the better you’ll get!
See you soon!