Expressões e gírias para anunciar um casamento
Hey you!
Welcome to another episode of Walk ‘n’ Talk Level Up, our all-English podcast series! No diálogo de hoje, um casal vai compartilhar uma notícia muito importante com um amigo. Algo bombástico vai acontecer!
Não deixe de falar todas as frases em voz alta, junto com a teacher Becs, para praticar bem a sua pronúncia. E aproveite o material extra que preparamos para você, está aqui embaixo!
Nós nos vemos na próxima semana! Have an awesome day!
Vocabulary Expansion
In this episode of Walk ‘n’ Talk Level Up, you got to practice your pronunciation and learn some new expressions. You can continue your study session here, by reading the dialogue and checking out the written explanations with examples!
Kat: Who’s ready to hit the road?
Dean: Hit the road? I didn’t know we were going on a road trip this weekend.
Chris: It’s an impromptu thing. Buckle up, kids, we’re getting married!
Dean: You’re eloping? Didn’t your parents want to throw a big bash?
Kat: Yep! And that’s why we’re heading to Vegas today!
Chris: Who’s in? We need bridesmaids and groomsmen!
Dean: Wouldn’t miss it for the world!
New expressions and Vocabulary!
Hit the road
There are quite a lot of expressions in English that describe traveling, and most of them include the word “road”! But as the word indicates, these expressions exclude trips by air or water, they are specific to traveling by land. The classics are the ones you saw in this dialogue:
What time are we going to hit the road?
I need to hit the road now or else I’m gonna be late.
She is planning a road trip for next weekend.
When was the last time you went on a road trip?
To indicate that someone is currently on a journey or a series of journeys, you can say that they are “on the road”:
The band is on the road promoting their new album.
Jia is on the road so she isn’t reading my messages.
Buckle up
This is a much more fun alternative to the simple phrase “get ready” or “gather some courage”! It sounds more fun and casual, making it an interesting addition to your vocabulary. Check out these ways of expressing the idea:
Buckle up, this week is going to be intense.
We have a lot to do today, so roll up your sleeves!
I’m plucking up the courage to speak to my boss about this issue.
Fasten your seatbelts! Our manager is coming here.
Wouldn’t miss it for the world
When you want to express that something is extremely important to you, or that you are very interested in being part of something, you can use this popular phrase. Here are some more examples:
Of course, I’ll go to your graduation party! I wouldn’t miss it for the world.
This is the kind of event that Emma wouldn’t miss for the world.
I wouldn’t miss this interview for the world, I want the job.
The word “marriage” refers to a long-term and official relationship between two people, the word “wedding”, on the other hand, simply refers to the ceremony that celebrates the moment a marriage begins! So, a “wedding” only lasts a few hours, the time during which people are together to celebrate. Here is some extra vocabulary related to that topic:
Bride – Noiva
Groom – Noivo
Bridesmaids – Madrinhas
Groomsmen – Padrinhos
Ceremony – Cerimônia
Maid of honor – Dama de honra/Madrinha Chefe
Best man – Padrinho Chefe
Flower girl – Daminha
Page boy – Pajem
Toast – Brinde
Wedding vows – Votos de casamento
Remember that you can listen to this episode as many times as you wish! You can also read along, and enjoy this extra content. That way, you’ll be able to understand these new structures and use them in conversations in the future. Keep in mind that the more daily contact you have with the English language, the better you’ll get, so make sure you’re here for our next episode!
See you next time!